
Our founder, Richard Rossi, hosts a popular radio program


There is a power greater than ourselves, the Living God, the Creator of all things. 

The bible

The Bible is a menu that describes the meal of communing with God and growing in grace.


Wildfire Relief Fire Update



It was harrowing last night at 2 a.m. to receive emergency evacuation notice. After quickly packing, we were fortunate the fire near us was contained in Studio City.


Thank you for praying, as I am, for those affected by the wildfires ravaging L.A. neighborhoods. As a clergy member and media minister on the ground, we have a number of families from our churches who have lost their homes and businesses to the fire.
We're discerning specific needs on the ground.
Displaced members are offered housing by our members in safe areas.
If you’re moved to give today, you can send care packages of toiletries and healthy snacks, or donate to our general relief fund. To donate, scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the donate button which donates through PayPal. Or, go directly to and donate to the email
Thank you for your prayers!
Grace and peace,
Richard Rossi

                               ETERNAL GRACE WELCOME

"Nothing in the world matters but the kindness of grace, God's gift to suffering mortals..."  (Jack Kerouac, 1961)  



Welcome to Eternal Grace, a spiritual community supporting actors, filmmakers, artists, writers, and musicians in their creative journey of grace.  Eternal Grace is a place where imperfect people are perfectly welcome.  We don't care who you are, or what you've done, you are welcome. 



We have meetings worldwide, and our bicoastal offices are headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA. and in N. Hollywood, California.  Our mother church that founded the movement is in Pittsburgh and in Southern California at 5030 Whitsett Avenue, Suite One, Valley Village, CA. 91607, where meetings have gathered in (Partial List): North Hollywood, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Venice, El Segundo, Long Beach, Orange County, and Lakewood, California.  









Our name was chosen by Sherrie Rossi after hearing a song lyric from the Lenny Kravitz song "Believe" that said: "The Son of God is in our face, offering us Eternal Grace."  




Email us at and let us know where you are located so we can refer you to an Eternal Grace meeting closest to you.  Our gatherings consist of music, often a meal, communion (sharing bread & wine or grape juice), a brief biblical message, discussion, and opportunity for prayer.  The dress and atmosphere are casual and the meetings facilitate informal interaction & discussion.  Our movement is constantly evolving so meetings happen at new places and times, so emailing us requesting to be on invite lists will keep you in the loop.


Help the Homeless: Bring any non-perishable food items, socks, gloves, and blankets to Eternal Grace and we will distribute to the homeless.


Eternal Grace ministers to those recovering from rigid religion and to artists.  We outreach to schools with our films on humanitarian and heroic athlete Roberto Clemente, and our latest children's novel and film project "Lucy & the Lake Monster."  Our recent Academy Award-considered film project "Canaan Land" shows the difference between toxic rigid religion that hurts people vs. healthy faith that heals people with the unconditional love and acceptance of Jesus Christ.  For more information on this Best Film-considered film evangelism project visit:


It can be difficult to find a support system that can offer spiritual well-being and an outlet for one's art. Eternal Grace was founded as a fresh, accepting alternative for those who have tired of the agenda-based hijacking of religion by legalists.  





Religious fundamentalists have misused and misrepresented the term "grace".  In the wrong hands of the modern-day Pharisees, even the term grace is distorted into an emphasis on human worthlessness and shame.  Hyper-Calvinistic hellfire preachers teach that grace is only given to an elect few.   Eternal Grace is a ministry that recognizes grace truly is amazing, and it's more than a word in a famous hymn, or a religious catch-phrase.  It transforms how we view God, ourselves, each other, and the world at large.  


Grace, ("Karis" in the original New Testament Greek), is the idea that we all receive salvation freely.  When Jesus died on the cross , He prayed even for the people killing Him, "Father forgive them." Jesus forgives all of them.  Without their asking for it.  Before they knew it.  It is finished.  Done.  Paid for. Salvation is a gift.  Not because we earn it.  Not because of what we do or don't do.  Not because we pass a religious test or say the right words.  It's a gift of eternal grace because God loves us.  You don't have to earn God's love or fear God's wrath.  Just get to know God better.  This is the good news.  The Grace of God is a river that never stops flowing!


Here's a message from our founder, Richard Rossi, entitled "6 REASONS THE GOSPEL IS STILL GOOD NEWS" (The sermon starts seven minutes into the video:


God created man in His image, then man returned the favor. American Christianity often creates a god in its own image that hates the same people they do, & votes for the same people they vote for.  Eternal Grace has a mission to show the Real Jesus, in contrast to the Religious Jesus, through creating art and an organic faith community, bringing the three C's of Christ, Creativity, and Community together.  This is the subject of our film project "Canaan Land" which is on Vimeo, Tubi, and Amazon.

The Religious Jesus brings shame. The Real Jesus brings grace. The Religious Jesus brings condemnation. The Real Jesus brings compassion. The Religious Jesus hurts people. The Real Jesus heals people. The Religious Jesus uses people to build the church. The Real Jesus uses the church to build people.

The Real Jesus transcends religion. He is not confined or contained by the cages of any one denomination, definition, or dogma. No one can claim Jesus to be exclusively theirs and then exclude others from His universal, unconditional love. Unconditional means there are no conditions. The Bible prophecies that God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, rather than dividing humanity into a binary of two groups, the in-group and the out-group. 




Eternal Grace is dedicated to helping people discover the eternal grace and unconditional love of God and to share and manifest this grace and love in our lives, relationships with others, and art.  We shower each other with the embrace of grace.   We've experienced grace in such a deep way, we want to share it authentically with others.  We experience and celebrate the overflowing love of God -  a love that can heal all wounds, save all souls, and change the world. 


We exist to share God's grace with the world.  It's that simple.  We gather for worship, fellowship, the sharing of spiritual gifts, and outreach through art.  God's gifts are grace-gifts, given because He is head over heels in love with us.  The only requirement for participation is a desire to receive God's grace, and give grace to ourselves and to each other.


We provide spiritual and emotional support to actors, artists, dancers, writers and others who are sensitive souls, who are often recovering from religion and journeying towards a healthy relationship with God and others.


We are a network supporting each other on a spiritual journey.  Our mission is to help everyone grow in grace, so we encourage all participants to not judge or criticize those who are not on the same level.  The Bible says "Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 


WHO ARE WE?                                     

Our spiritual journeys have taken us through different groups, cross-pollinating various teachings, ideas, and experiences.  Through it all, we've come to understand that the goal is love, that they will know we are His disciples by our love.  Love fulfills the law.  Love covers a multitude of sins and love never fails.


Many of us have a creative career, a calling to express ourselves.  We highly value and encourage artistic gifts and expression.  We're pioneers.  We're believers in God, the One the Bible describes as unconditional love, and we have a passionate hunger for a true spiritual connection beyond religion.     



Our mission is to get out there with our artistic and spiritual gifts and shine our lights and share the love and healing power of God (Matthew 5:14).  Jesus was an artist who created parables, artful stories that were metaphors to explain true spirituality.  In the Parable of the Talents found in Matthew 25, Jesus taught we are given our gifts to share with the world, not to bury in the sand.  We express the good news in the context of art and beauty.  We believe the creative potential in human beings is an expression of the image of God. 




  The extreme fringe of the politicized Religious Right, idolizing political demagogues they swoon over, and the distorted parody of fire and brimstone preachers have turned off many people.  They gleefully sentence their neighbors to the "scalding flames of Hell" and make snap judgements about who is "saved."  They no longer connect with most people.  In fact, they have done more societal damage by creating converts that are often elitist, self-righteous, war-mongering, and downright hateful.  We want to share who the real Jesus is.  The key scripture for this mission is John 12:32 Jesus said, "When I am lifted up I will draw all men unto Myself."  He is confident in His purpose and will draw all to Himself.  He is for all people.


We help in practical ways when we can, meeting real needs with compassion, understanding, and grace.  Every person is created in God's image.  We ask God for eternal grace to reach past the thorns and find the rose within others, to help them see themselves as God sees them, valued and lovable.  That frees them to be the person God wants them to be.  They are transformed.  They begin to love themselves again as God does, and this enables them to love others. 


     May eternal grace open your eyes to the richness of loving relationships with God and people.  Grace be with you all.


For more information about Eternal Grace and our gatherings email us at

ETERNAL GRACE is a nonprofit 501C3 organization that exists to share God's grace with the world through community and the arts.  








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