"Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue." (Eugene O'Neill, playwright)
The miracles Jesus performed in the Bible are preceded with the phrase "He was moved with compassion." We have compassion to heal through prayer and sharing our stories and spiritual gifts in a personal way.
We seek to extend the ministry of God's Spirit by bringing healing to the hurting. Eternal Grace heals the hurts of artists and actors, minstrels and mavericks, dancers and designers, bohemians and burned-out believers, with the embrace of grace.
Healing speaks of health. Mental health, spiritual health, social health, and emotional health. This wholeness begins with a relationship with God and continues as He works healing in us, one layer at a time. As we become whole, there is integration between our private self and the public self we show to others.
We are mental health advocates, encouraging healing through therapy with qualified counselors, in addition to prayer and spiritual growth.
Can prayer play a part in physical healing? Watch our founder's documentary "QUEST FOR TRUTH: AN EXPOSE OF HEALING" for an interesting exploration of this question. Click HERE: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/questfortruthrichrossi